Our most frequently asked...
- How does Bloobirds calculate the Similar Won Deals percentage?
- How can I synchronize LinkedIn messages with Bloobirds?
- How can I sync a meeting created in Google Calendar/Outlook with Bloobirds?
- What is the difference between a touch and an attempt?
- Which Bloobirds automation possibilities do I have?
- How can I change my password?
- Improve call quality when working from home
- I cannot see a field on a form
- Field types
- Tips for ordering
- How is information structured in Bloobirds?
- I do not have tasks
- I can't see the company's cadence
- Incoming calls don't work
- Activities are not correctly saved
- I can't see the call on the dashboard
- I cannot see a new scheduled task
- Cadence does not match task feed