How to update the Bloobirds Chrome extension


Keeping your Bloobirds Chrome extension updated is essential so that you can use the latest version of our app and enjoy all the functionalities that Bloobirds has to offer. It's super easy!

In Chrome, you will see the Bloobirds icon in the top right corner of the navigator:


Note: If it's not there, that means that you haven't pinned it yet. Simply click on the puzzle piece icon, look for Bloobirds, and then click on the pin icon.

Once you click on the Bloobirds icon, if a message like this pops up, that means that you have the latest version of Bloobirds already installed:

Captura de Pantalla 2023-07-28 a las 10.22.50.png

If you don't have the latest version installed, you'll see a message like this:

Captura de Pantalla 2023-07-28 a las 10.26.33.png

To update our Chrome extension, simply click on 🔄 Update, and in a matter of seconds, you'll be ready to go.

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