Here you'll find the general settings (assignment, meetings and leads) that will be applied to the entire account.
How does it work?
To easily manage the general settings, you need to click on your user name. Then, click on Account Settings.
In preferences, specifically in general settings, you'll be able to configure the settings mentioned before.
These settings are the following ones:
- Assignment:
Decide whether the assignation could be propagated between leads and companies.
A. Enable Owner (Assigned To) propagation from a lead to its related company.
B. Enable Owner (Assigned To) propagation from a company to its related leads.
- Meetings:
Configure all the meetings' settings.
- Information required: Activate in case you want to make it mandatory to fill in the information to create meetings.
- Contact before meeting task: Activate in case you want the user who creates a meeting to receive a task to confirm the attendance of those invited to the meeting. If you do so, choose when to create the scheduled task with a number and the period (minutes/hours /days before de meeting).
- Calendar: Activate if you want the user to be able to create the meeting in his/her calendar after doing it in Bloobirds. Select which calendar provider too.
- Leads:
Configure the leads' settings.
- Lead email matching: Activate if you want new leads matching in domain with an existing company to be automatically matched.
Remember to SAVE all the changes.
How do i get the extension?
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