Type of filters


What it is

Bloobirds allows you use the filters to create your personalised list of companies, leads, activities and tasks to work with.

Depending on the type of field you want to filter by, you have different type of filters you can select from.


How it works


If the field you want to filter by contains text, select any of:
- Contains: the characters are part of the full text
- Contains exactly: the text matches exactly the characters
- It's not empty: the field has any value
- It's empty: the field has no value
For example, if you want to select by the name of the lead and you know it matches exactly "Maria".
Or if you want to select those leads with no email, you would select it's empty for the field email.


If the field you want to filter is a picklist, select any of:
- It's any of: it is the value you select from a range of possible options
- It's not: a value different from your selection
- It's empty: the field contains no value
- It's not empty: the field contains any value
For example, if you want to see companies on status Ready to prospect, On prospection, Contacted and Engaged. And you want companies in all the other status not to show up.


If the field you want to filter is a number, select any of:
- Is greater than: number is higher than the one typed
- Is less than: number is smaller than the one typed
- Is greater or equal than: number is higher or equal than the one typed
- Is less or equal than: number is lower or equal than the one typed
- Between: number is in between the numbers typed
- Contains exactly: number matches exactly the one typed
- It's not empty: any number
- It's empty: has no value
For example, you want to filter by those companies that have a number of leads greater than two.
Or by those companies that have between 1 and 3 leads.

Phone number

If the field you want to filter by contains a phone number, select any of:
- Contains: the numbers typed are part the full number
- Contains exactly: the phone number matches exactly the one introduced
- It's not empty: the field has any value
- It's empty: the field has no value


For example, if you want to filter by those companies in Spain (+34) that are in the Barcelona province (93), you can do this with the phone number prefix.


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