Bulk delete objects


This feature allows you to delete objects like companies, leads, and activities in bulk by importing an Excel template with their ID.

How it works

Go to BULK ACTIONS on any of your Bloobirds' reports.


Prepare the template

First of all, prepare the list of objects you want to delete, you will need to include their ID as a column.


Once the objects are deleted, they cannot be retrieved, we advise you to make a copy of the objects you are going to delete beforehand.

If for example, what you want is to delete leads, create a list with the lead's ID.

To find out the IDs of the leads you want to delete, create a list and use the filters to trim it down. Then, download the list to your computer


Below the column ID, you will find the lead's ID.


Upload the template

Go to BULK ACTIONS, on any of your Bloobirds' lists and select Import, update or delete objects.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-30 a las 14.10.47.png

Choose the action you want to carry out: Delete existing objects, select the type of object, and click on NEXT. For example, lead.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-30 a las 16.36.12.png

Drag and drop the file and click on CHECK FILE.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-30 a las 16.36.50.png

If the template is correct, you will get a message saying you are good to go. Click on START DELETE.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-30 a las 16.37.33.png

A window will pop up, you can close it. Then, you will be redirected to the list of bulk actions where you can check if everything worked well.


Here you can download the files you just uploaded and check any errors by clicking on them.

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