How can I create an email signature?


To create your own customized email signature go to your user's name on the top right and select User Settings.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-07 a las 8.35.47.png

Click on the Email section, to easily insert your signature we recommend you copy the HTML code of your Outlook or Gmail signature. 

Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-07 a las 8.38.43.png

Important: If your signature contains embedded images, it might happen that those images can't be accessed and shown. We recommend you download these images and upload them from the EDITOR view to your signature. You can use the link icon afterwards if you need to link an image to an external site.

Insert photo.png

Once your signature is ready, tick in the box if you want to include it by default whenever you send an email from Bloobirds.


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