There are several ways in which you can create a lead. Let's have a look at them!
Directly on LinkedIn
If you're using the Bloobirds Chrome extension, then capturing a lead is as easy as adding it directly from their LinkedIn profile.
Inbound lead
Bloobirds can be synchronized with your Marketing platform so that the leads that come in via inbound will automatically appear in the Inbound MQL section.
In the Inbound MQL section, Marketing will have to accept or reject the lead. When accepted, the lead goes to the SAL section to be accepted or rejected by the sales team.
You can also manually add a new inbound lead by clicking CREATE LEAD.
You can also manually add a new inbound lead by clicking CREATE LEAD.
A form will appear to be filled in, the fields marked with * are compulsory and need to be filled in order to create the lead.
On the Lead source field, indicate Inbound.
For the lead to be validated by marketing and appear on the MQL list, leave the Marketing section empty.
For the lead to appear on the SAL list, indicate that it has been accepted by marketing by either clicking YES on Marketing AAA or ACCEPTED on the MQL section. If accepted, you indicate the lead has been accepted by marketing and sales.
Add leads to an existing company
To add leads to an existing company, the company needs to be created. Select the company and click on +ADD LEAD.
The lead profile form will pop up, fill in all the fields with the information you have available, the compulsory fields are marked with an *:
In Bloobirds we recommend assigning at least two leads to a QC before starting to prospect it.
Leads without company
You can also create leads that do not come from Inbound and have no company assigned on the Add QC section, Leads without QC.
These will be also listed along with all other leads on the Leads list.
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