Field types

When creating a field, there are different types of fields you can choose from. Select the field type depending on the format of the information you want to register in it.

In this example, the field group Contact information contains different field types such as text, phone, email, or picklist.
  • Text: Use this field type to enter texts such as names, or write comments about a company or a lead. 
  • Numbers: Use this field type to enter whole numbers such as the number of company offices or the annual revenue figure.
  • Other numbers:
- Use Decimal field type for decimal numbers.
- Use Phone field type for phone numbers.
  • Email:  Use this field type to write email addresses and verify the format is correct.
  • Phone:  Use this field type to register phone numbers and verify the format is correct. The user has to include the country code with the format + in order for the phone to be valid. For example, for a phone number in Spain you should include +34 before the phone number.
  • Date or DateTime: Use this field type to register dates and times of events on Bloobirds. When the Bloobirds webapp user clicks on it, a calendar will be displayed where he can select a date and time.
  • Picklist: Use this field type to provide a range of options for the user to choose from


  • URL: Use this field to write URL addresses and verify the format is correct.
  • Decimal: Use this field type to write numbers with decimal places.
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