How to prepare your data to be imported

In this article, we explain how to ensure your data is in the right format and ready to be imported.
This is a general guideline and depending on the object you want to import you will have to fill in the template in a specific way:

Watch out!

If you have active Zapier integrations with your CRM, before you import data into Bloobirds, disconnect your Zapier integration with Bloobirds to avoid the overconsumption of your tasks.

Before you get started

We want to share with you some tips that will ease the process of preparing your data to be imported and that will help you to avoid common mistakes:

  • We recommend you bulk upload in this order: Companies > Leads > Activities. This way, you can associate leads with already created companies, and activities with already created leads and companies.
  • Be extremely careful with the name of each column: they need to match exactly with their corresponding Field name (and that includes capital letters, special characters, spaces, etc.).
  • Any fields marked as required must appear in the Excel file.
  • Be mindful of picklists: all the values contained in a picklist must match exactly with the original ones, and no value that isn't present in the picklist should exist in the Excel file. 
  • If duplicate validation is active in any field, then you won't be able to upload an object with a value matching another existing object with the same value.
  • Don't get overwhelmed by the templates we provide: they're big because they need to cover different needs, but not every category is mandatory.


To assist you with organizing the data, you can download the template from the import page.
Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-30 a las 14.10.47.png
Depending on the type of object (lead, company, activity) the template will be different. Select Create new object, then the type of object you want to create, and click on NEXT.
Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-31 a las 9.51.34.png
Click on download the .xlsx to download the standard template.
Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-31 a las 9.52.51.png


Take it as a guideline, this means that you do not need to fill in all columns, only the ones that are mandatory. You will see these fields highlighted in orange on the form -this is explained further down on this article's section mandatory fields.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-18 a las 16.34.09.png


For leads and activities, there is additional information that needs to be filled in the template. You need to add a column named Company with the company name that you want to associate this lead or activity with.

You can also use your own template as long as it is in format .xlsx and you fill in all mandatory and object-specific fields.

Once the information has been filled in, upload it by dragging and dropping it in the area below.
Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-31 a las 9.53.49.png



Make sure the file you import contains only one tab, and clean the Excel file from any other information that must not be included in the import.

For example, if you want to import a list of companies, you should only have one tab on Excel with the companies you want to import and all the required information filled in.


Mandatory fields

On the template, ensure you fill in all the columns that are mandatory, for each row.
Mandatory fields*
Target market**
Leads source
Task type
Scheduled datetime
Scheduled date
Assigned to
Close date

*These are default standard mandatory fields, always check if your account has other additional mandatory fields.

**For the target market column, if you are not sure which one to choose, use Other.

Depending on your company's sales strategy, there will be more mandatory fields than the ones described above.

The fields that are mandatory will be marked with an asterisk * on the form. In this example for the Lead's profile the mandatory fields can be seen below:


Field values

The cell needs to be filled in exactly to match the field values, the import is capital and space sensitive. For example, if under column Status you fill in Contacted and the field value on Bloobirds is contacted, it will give you an error when you try to import.


If you currently do not have a value available and it is not a mandatory field, we advise you to leave it blank so that it will be later filled in by your colleagues at a later stage. Avoid using values such as 'n.a.'

Fields format

Make sure the fields are filled in the right format:
  • Websites:
  • Dates: yyyy-mm-dd
  • Telephone numbers should not contain spaces or special characters except for the + before the country code. For the Excel file not to take the + as a formula, add the '+ (apostrophe character) in front of the +.
  • Email addresses should contain no typos


Whenever you import a field value or add a column to Bloobirds, this must also be created on your CRM with exactly the same spelling.

If done differently, this could cause the integration logs to fail due to non-recognized values on your CRM.


Final check

Before uploading the Excel file, make a last check to avoid errors:
  • Make sure the name of the columns did not change
  • All mandatory fields are included in the columns
  • All rows are filled in for the columns that are mandatory
  • All fields are in the correct format: date, website, telephone numbers, email addresses
  • Include the Bloobirds ID for the leads and activities you want to update, if no ID is included the row will be duplicated when importing the data
  • All words are spelled exactly as the field values in Bloobirds, matching the capital letters
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