The start of the cadence indicates when you should start prospecting a company.
We advise you to prioritise companies with a higher market research rating.
We advise you to prioritise companies with a higher market research rating.

On Bloobirds, you can decide when a company cadence should start.

First contact attempt
The cadence will start by default on the day you have carried out the first contact attempt.When this happens, the company will go from Ready to prospect to

On prospection and the cadence start date will be today.

In addition, there are different ways in which you can manually set the cadence start date:
Restart cadence
On the company view, click on the three dots and select Reschedule cadence.

Once there, click on the date field to select the date you want it to start and click OK and then RESCHEDULE.

Cadence control
On the company dashboard view, click on the link right above the cadence board.

Click on YES, STOP THE CADENCE and select I want to configure a new cadence then click on CONTINUE.

A form will open up where you can choose the new cadence and the start date, click on ACCEPT.

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