How can I assign companies?

There are two ways in which you can assign companies.

Assign section

In order to assign a company in this section, the QC needs to be in Backlog status. Go to the section Assign on the left menu bar, and drag and drop the company on the name of the SDR you want to assign it to. In this way, you can assign the qualified companies in block to a user without having to go one by one.
After this, the company has not been assigned yet and will show on status DELIVERED, to complete the task, click on the button DELIVER COMPANIES.

Company profile

Go to the Lists section and select the company you want to assign.
To make your search faster, you can use the search bar at the top of the list.
Click on the company name and the company profile will appear.
On the company profile, click on EDIT COMPANY.
Select the user you want to assign it to from the drop-down menu, and click SAVE.
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